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MILKA – her story!

Milka was first spotted in Marsa Tondoba (Egypt) on 01/11/2020. She was then found laying eggs at Ras Baridi beach (Saudi Arabia) on 23/08/2022 and tagged by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology team. Just a few months after, Milka was spotted again by our team in Marsa Tondoba (Egypt). The latest sighting of Milka is dated 10/02/2023, in Marsa Tondoba!

AUSSIE – her story!

The very first report of Aussie is dated 21/09/2016 when she was spotted and tagged by the NCW team at Ras Baridi Beach (SAUDI ARABIA). Since then, Aussie has made her way to the Egyptian Red Sea coast and has been regularly sighted in Marsa Abu Dabbab and Hermes every year from October 2016 to the present day.